The tool has been developed together with the affiliate company APA-DeFacto and Know-Center Graz which is also responsible for the chart.
The local media is primarily focused on investigating publishing and positioning their own stories. However, again and again stories that have appeared before in another publication are picked up. Here rules the unwritten law that the mentioning of the source, the so-called “quoting” is a must. In order to bring this reciprocal picking up on topics in a graphic picture, APA-OTS has launched a original text service that gathers these networks every day and processes them graphically. On daily the question which media in the last seven days has been quoted by other media is answered.
The interactive chart always focuses on those publications that have been quoted the most. The strenght of the connecting bar to the quoting media shows in how many articles the concerned topic has been mentioned. With only one click the user arrives at a hit list that leads to the DeFacto search machine and therby into the full texts. There all linked announcements can be read against payment. Naturally with one click you can focus on the desired medium and thereby all newspapers can be indicated.
Karin Thiller, managing director of APA-OTS, comments:
Apart from the we provide a further digital tool which shows the correlation within the media sector and professionals as well as provides people interested in media a better overview. By that we remain faithful to our credo to act as a platform between communicators, journalists and media.