Researchers in the EU research project „Learning Layers – Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters“ consider the question how informal learning at the working place can be systematically transferred to the field of training and further education. At the application partner days unter the lead of Know-Center the ideas and needs of the in the project involved application partners was raised. The four years running project aims at developing and spreading technologies for informal learning in European small and medium companies especially in the building and healthcare industry.
In January 2013 the Know-Center-Team, represented by Dipl.-Ing. Simon Walk, Mag. Sebastian Dennerlein and Dipl.-Ing. Dominik Kowald, was in Bremen to visit the educational institution of the company „Bau ABC Rostrup“ in Bad Zwischenahn and to gain insights into the working environment of the application partner. Subsequently the research group visited the “Agency for sustainable building Ltd.” in Verden where talks with cooperation partners took place.
In February the Know-Center-Team was in Bradford (UK) and Leeds (UK) to get an idea of the biggest GP surgery „The Ridge“ in Bradford. „The Ridge“ is a merge of approx. 25 family practitioners. Every family practitioner takes care of approx. 1000 patients. In the office of the NHS in Bradford the team could gain insights into the healthcare system as well as educational measures of th efamily practitioners.
„For us it was especially important to get to know better the working environment of the employees of the construction work cluster and the family practitioners in order to make informal learning at the working place possible, to regocnize similarities and to identify differnet requirements beforehand”, Simon Walk , Sebastian Dennerlein and Dominik Kowald stress in this context.
Further information about the projekt Learning Layers is available here:
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