Angela Fessl (Know-Center), presented at the largest German e-learning conference and fair Learntec, 4-6 February 2014, the MIRROR Project – Reflective Learning at Work.
Within this presentation Angela Fessl gave a short introduction to the MIRROR project and referred to the underlying theoretical background and reflection model followed by a common understanding of reflective learning. The five test-bed partners encompassing different working environments and their corresponding applications were shortly presented with regard to their application and their approach to reflective learning. Finally, Angela Fessl presented two different individual reflective learning apps and their corresponding success stories, to show how reflective learning can be successfully embedded in an organisation.
The overall objective of MIRROR is to empower and engage employees to reflect on past work performances and personal working experiences in order to learn in “real-time” and to immediately solve pressing problems in a creative manner. MIRROR shall help employees to increase their level and breadth of experience significantly within short time by capturing and making available their own as well as working or learning experiences of others. A prerequisite for exploring innovative solutions in this context is to rely on human ability to efficiently and effectively learn directly from tacit knowledge – without the need for making it explicit.
There lies the importance and potential of reflective learning, by re-evaluating and thinking back on past work experiences and in the end to learn from them. All the developments of the MIRROR project are based on a conceptual model of holistic continuous learning by reflection which incorporates the essential ingredients of training critical thinking, awareness of emotions, (collaborative) knowledge construction, creative problem solving and innovation.
The MIRROR AppSphere provides a bundle of real-time, interoperable learning applications that can be used within the collaborative and social work environment of the employees.
Presentation about “Reflective Learning at Work” by Angela Fessl: