The Know-Center soccer team consisting of Franjo Bratić, Christoph Kurre, Mark Kröll, Philipp Singer, Michael Wittmayer, Pablo López-García, Roman Kern, Christopher Horn, Stefan Klampfl and Andi Rexha took part in the 27th USI Graz indoor football tournament.
The indoor football tournament was organized by the University Sports Institute Graz (USI Graz) for the 27th time. This year 16 teams participated. Know-Center’s team (TU Graz) played in the group with REWI (KFUG), Ac Auenbrugger (MUG) and MEEM / ILB (TUG). Know-Center’s team played 0:2 against MEEM / ILB and 0:2 against REWI also. REWI was the group winner.
Despite the utmost commitment and great team spirit, Know-Center’s team did not make it to the final. The team fought hard to move up and thoroughly enjoyed the game. Know-Center’s team puts an emphasis on playing together. It is an excellent way to get to know each other better and strengthen cooperation at Know-Center.
In this spirit, we are keeping our fingers crossed for the next USI Graz Indoor Soccer Tournament!