Current trends and flashes from research; thereafter accompanied exchange on digital learning and working in small groups.
At Know-Center we have been dealing with digital learning, especially in the working environment for a long time. We research learning (and working) with digital technologies; in doing so, we develop findings, innovative technologies and solution concepts that combine technologies and practice.
Once every year we report the focus from our work – which ranges from application over applied research, to research – on the topic ‘Learning 4.0 – digital learning in the working environment’. This year’s focus of this exchange event on 28.5.2020 was on ‘competence development’ with learning goals at a central technical and conceptual level and digital learning guides in the form of chat offers.
After an introductory keynote, there was a short presentation of the three parallel sessions, in each of which our experts reported for about 20 minutes and were then discussed together.
16:00 Opening and moderation (Dr. Angela Fessl,
Folien: Opening
16:15 Keynote: Digital learning in the working world – today and in the future (Assoc. Prof. Dr. techn. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler,
Folien: Keynote
16:45 Short introduction of the three parallel sessions:
(Katharina Maitz, MA –; Dr. Angela Fessl –
Competences are skills and abilities to solve specific problems and to be able and willing to use problem solutions successfully in variable situations. Accordingly, competence-oriented training and further education aims to enable employees to master their tasks in the trained specialist area independently and in different contexts. In addition, competence-based learning requires a changed understanding of the roles of teachers and learners, in that the learners are given more personal responsibility and the teachers take on a supporting role.
As a (COMET) research centre, we can draw on expertise from research and industry-related projects and support companies on their way to competence-oriented training and further education. In these projects, practical problems are dealt with in real action contexts using a wide variety of methods. Some of these methods and projects will be presented and discussed together in this presentation.
(Irmtraud Wolfbauer –, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Viktoria Pammer-Schindler,
Digital learning guides are used where the time and attention of teachers and trainers is limited. We are interested in exploring the possiblities: How good can digital learning guides be? Our current focus: reflective conversations about working and learning.
In this session we report and show chatbot “Rebo”, with which apprentices can discuss (=reflect) their learning and work tasks step by step.
The dialogue structure “Rebo Junior” on which the chatbot is based will be tested and improved in a series of ongoing field studies with apprentices in the fields of metal, mechatronics and electrical engineering. The communicative guidance for reflection in the form of a chat is accessible, self-explanatory and illustrates to the prospective skilled workers how central the role of learning is in their practical vocational training.
(Dr. Sebastian Dennerlein –
The organization-internal scaling of research, prototypes and/or ideas is a central topic in future-oriented organizations in order to stay ahead of the times and score points with innovation. However, corresponding programs and methods for the custom-fit development of digital solutions and embedding them in ongoing processes and work practices are rare. For this purpose, we present an innovation program with events and methods that draw on co-creation and innovation approaches and illustrate it in the field of teaching.
17:30 Summary of the discussion results & conclusion
If you have any further questions about this event, please contact us:
or the person responsible for the session per topic area.
We would like to thank all colleagues who helped to organize the event and the numerous participants.