Durch die Initiative des Gastforschers Andi Rutherford (Mendeley Limited, UK) feierte das Know-Center am 14. März zum ersten Mal den Pi Day (Pi-Tag). Dieser Bedeutung gewinnende Feiertag bringt die Know-Center Philosophie des interkulturellen Austausches besonders zu Geltung: „Pi Day allows people to bond around this famous, even infamous, number. It is a great way to bring a little bit of mathematics into our everyday lives and enjoy it.“, betonte Herr Rutherford in diesem Zusammenhang.
Through the initiative of visiting mathematician Andi Rutherford (Mendeley Limited, UK), the Know-Center celebrated Pi Day for the first time on March 14th. This increasingly popular event fits in well with the Know-Center’s philosophy of intercultural exchange: “Pi Day allows people to bond around this famous, even infamous, number. It is a great way to bring a little bit of mathematics into our everyday lives and enjoy it.”, said Andi.
Am 14. März (9 Minuten und 26 Sekunden nach 15:00 Uhr) feierte das Know-Center Pi Day (Pi-Tag). 1988 erstmals gefeiert, geht es bei diesem Feiertag um die Kreiszahl π (Pi) und findet jedes Jahr am 14. März statt. Dieser Tag geht zurück auf die US-amerikanische Datumsschreibweise 3/14, da 3,1, und 4 der numerische Wert von π auf zwei Dezimalstellen gerundet ist. Seit seinen Anfängen wurde der Pi Day – besonders über das Internet – weltweit immer mehr bekannt und wird in manchen Ländern sogar als offizieller Feiertag anerkannt.
Organisiert wurde der Pi Day am Know-Center von Gastforscher Andi Rutherford der Firma Mendeley Limited (UK), einer der Unternehmenspartner des Know-Center. Der Mathematiker fördert Bildung und die positive Darstellung von Mathematik mit Leidenschaft und entschloss sich daher, diesen Feiertag während seines Sabbaticals am Know-Center dem Know-Center-Team näher zu bringen. Auf die Frage nach der Bedeutung des Pi Day antwortete Herr Rutherford: „Pi Day allows people to bond around this famous, even infamous, number. It is a great way to bring a little bit of mathematics into our everyday lives and enjoy it. Many people tell me such negative math stories from school, or how they wished they knew more about math, and today we address both with some fun and facts, and more – like literature. This year I read the amazing “Poe, E. Near a Raven” Piem (or “Pi-poem”), where the number of letters in each word represents a digit of Pi. In this way ‚Poe‘ is 3, ‚E‘ is 1, ‚Near‘ is 4 and so on – the full poem represents 740 of them!“.
Diese Feier fand großen Anklang beim Team und zeigt vorzüglich die Bestrebungen des Know-Centers, interkulturellen Austausch zu fördern. Im Lichte dieses erfolgreichen Tages hat das Know-Center-Team beschlossen, auch andere mathematische Feiertage zu feiern. Die Entscheidung schwankt noch zwischen dem Approximation Day am 22. Juli und dem Tau Day am 28 Juni.
Für nähere Informationen besuchen Sie die folgenden Websites:
Pi Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day
Piem: Poe, E; Near a Raven. http://www.cadaeic.net/naraven.htm
Pi Approximation Day: http://piapproximationday.com/
Tau Day: http://tauday.com/
On March 14th, 9 minutes (and 26 or so seconds) after 15:00, the Know-Center celebrated Pi Day. Inaugurated in 1988, this annual celebration commemorating the mathematical constant π (Pi) is observed on March 14 (or 3/14 in the month/day date format), since 3, 1, and 4 are the three most significant digits of Pi in the decimal form. Since its beginning Pi Day has grown in popularity all over the world, especially through the help of the Internet, and is even recognized as an official day in some countries.
This event was organized through the initiative of Andi Rutherford, a visiting researcher from Mendeley Limited (UK), one of the Know-Center’s business partners. With a background in Mathematics, Andi passionately promotes the education and positive representation of math, and decided that this event should not be missed during his sabbatical at the Know-Center. We asked Andi what Pi Day means for him: “Pi Day allows people to bond around this famous, even infamous, number. It is a great way to bring a little bit of mathematics into our everyday lives and enjoy it. Many people tell me such negative math stories from school, or how they wished they knew more about math, and today we address both with some fun and facts, and more – like literature. This year I read the amazing “Poe, E. Near a Raven” Piem (or “Pi-poem”), where the number of letters in each word represents a digit of Pi. In this way ‚Poe‘ is 3, ‚E‘ is 1, ‚Near‘ is 4 and so on – the full poem represents 740 of them!”
The event was well received by the team and demonstrates the Know-Center’s desire to promote intercultural exchange. In light of this successful event, the Know-Center has decided to celebrate others and is currently considering Approximation Day on July 22nd, or even the controversial Tau Day on June 28th.
For more information, please visit the following websites:
Pi Day: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day
Piem: Poe, E; Near a Raven. http://www.cadaeic.net/naraven.htm
Pi Approximation Day: http://piapproximationday.com/
Tau Day: http://tauday.com/