Das Know-Center ist seit 9.September 2009 community member von VisMaster, einer European Coordination Action im Forschungsbereich Visual Analytics.
As of September 9th, 2009, the Know-Center is a community member of VisMaster, a European Coordination Action project focussing on the research discipline of Visual Analytics.
The Know-Center has already contributed to meetings of the VisMaster working group for Data Management and Visual Analytics in June 2009. The research discipline of Visual Analytics is an important area of activity for Know-Center’s division for Knowledge Relationship Discovery. For more information on the VisMaster project, see http://www.vismaster.eu
Das Know-Center hat bereits am Treffen der VisMaster-Arbeitsgruppe Data Management and Visual Analytics im Juni 2009 teilgenommen. Der Forschungsbereich Visual Analytics stellt ein wesentliches Betätigungsfeld der Abteilung für Knowledge Relationship Discovery am Know-Center Graz dar. Weitere Informationen zum VisMaster-Projekt finden sich unter http://www.vismaster.eu