Klaus Tochtermann gives Keynote about Workplace-integrated Learning at the IEEE Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT ’08).
Klaus Tochtermann has been invited to give a keynote about Know-Center’s research activities in Workplace-integrated Learning at the IEEE Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT ’08) . With an acceptance rate of less than 30%, ICALT ’08 is one of the most competitive scientific conferences in technology-enhanced learning.
Here is the abstract of the talk: The long way towards Workplace-integrated Learning
The core idea for technology-enhanced working originates from Vannevar Bush, when he presented in the mid 40-ties his MEMEX system to a broader audience. Linking electronically information pieces to one another was the key innovation which still coins today’s technology-enhanced learning systems. But it took almost 70 years until technology-learning has really reached the workplace of the knowledge workers. The key events of the 70 years, their success and pitfalls will briefly be mentioned in the talk. With this in background, the emphasis will be on most innovative ideas for integrating Web2.0 concepts with semantic technologies for developing a new paradigm which is often referred to as workplace-integrated learning. Workplace-integrated learning is based on the idea that knowledge workers take three different roles at their workplace: the role of a learner, the role of an expert and the role of a worker. The talk will illustrate how knowledge workers can be best supported for each of the different roles.