Die von uns durchgeführte Online-Befragung zur I-KNOW/I-SEMANTICS `09 brachte äußerst positives Feedback von den TeilnehmerInnen.The feedback we received from our participants of I-KNOW ’09 / I-SEMANTICS ’09 via our online survey was very positive.
Evaluation of I-KNOW ’09 / I-SEMANTICS ’09
The preparations for next year’s conference are already in full swing — however, now it’s time for one last look back at I-KNOW ’09 / I-SEMANTICS ’09.
Like every year, we wanted to know what our visitors, speakers, and exhibitors thought about the conference. We sent out 436 invitations to take part in our survey, and 121 people responded, which adds up to a return rate of 28%. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who took their time to fill out our survey!
So, what did we learn? Here are some things we’d like to share with you:
First of all, we have realized that the word of mouth is still the most important advertising channel for our conference. This also means that many people who talk about the conference do so in a good way, otherwise the word-of-mouth influence would probably have an adverse effect. Anyway, here are the detailed numbers:
Next, we asked what everyone liked most about the conference. The response options were “Very Good” (1), “Rather Good” (2), “Rather Poor” (3), and “Very Poor” (4). In other words, the best possible rating for any of the following aspects of our conference would be 1.0, the worst possible 4.0, and a rating of 2.5 would be right in the middle. In total, the ratings were as follows:
Conference Organization | 1.2 |
Social Events (Guided Tour, Welcome Reception, Gala Dinner) | 1.2 |
Conference Proceedings (Printed Abstracts, Full Papers on USB Stick) | 1.4 |
Opportunities for Networking | 1.5 |
International Cooperation Event | 1.6 |
Business Presentations (Praxisforum, Wissenstag) | 1.7 |
Praxisforum Panel Discussions | 1.8 |
Keynote Speakers | 1.9 |
Scientific Presentations | 2.0 |
Company Exhibition | 2.1 |
Triplification Challenge | 2.2 |
Scientific Poster Session | 2.4 |
Next, we wanted to know what everyone liked about the conference. We read a lot of very nice things, and it was great to hear that many of you have enjoyed the conference very much. Here are the answers in a compressed form:
Last but not least, we asked for ways to improve the I-KNOW and I-SEMANTICS, and we got a lot of valuable feedback, for which we are very thankful!
All in all, the results tell us that we’re on the right track, and we’ll do our best to make next year’s 10 year anniversary conference the best one ever!Sie können die Umfrageergebnisse unter diesem Link (in Englisch) abrufen.